Los Angeles Dance Festival

In collaboration with Deborah Brockus


The Los Angeles Dance Festival brings talented creators and companies together for twelve evenings of extraordinary works that showcase a wide breadth of dance styles.For over two decades, the Luckman has presented acclaimed dance ensembles from around the world. The Los Angeles Dance Festival features artists who are recognized locally and internationally for their extraordinary talents. The dancers and choreographers in the festival work in both the concert and commercial industries. Their work is frequently presented on stages, in theaters, feature films, television shows, music videos, commercials, and concert tours.

All times listed in Pacific Standard Time

Weekend 1: October 2, 3, & 4
Beginning at 6pm on the 2nd and running until midnight on the 4th.
Featuring works by Madison Hicks, RG/WW, Neosutras, Peter Chang, PonyBox, Derion Lemon, BrockusRED, LA Contemporary Dance Company, makedancehappen, Francesa Jandasek, Re:borN Dance Interative, Yoon Sumi, Kim Youngmi, and Seoul International Dance Festival in Tank.

Weekend 2: October 9, 10, & 11
Beginning at 6pm on the 9th and running until midnight on the 11th.
Featuring works by CyberYOGA, 2DANCECOLLECTIVE, Jana Taylor and Dancers, Ironstone Dance, cyan cian, Luminario Ballet, Versastyle, Mixed eMotion Theatrix, BrockusRED, Danza Floricanto/USA, Lula Washington, Ken Morris Project, Kim Hyunsun, Kim Ok, Yoo Gawon.

Weekend 3: October 16, 17, & 18
Beginning at 6pm on the 16th and running until midnight on the 18th.

Pyriscence – Charlotte Katherine Smith / Charlotte Katherine and Co.
When We Face Each Other – Ju-Bin Kim (Korean piece)
Her Intercession – Nannette Brodie / Nannette Brodie Dance Theater
Syncing – Camryn Eaks, MarieElena Martingano  (no dance company)
Yol- Seda Aybay / Kybele Dance Theater
Breonna Taylor – Quela / The Dance Narrative Project
Lift Every Voice – Lula Washington, Tamica Washington-Miller / Lula Washington Dance Theatre
Drift: Inner Landscape – Deborah Brockus / BrockusRED
The 7Cs – John Castagna / Contemporary Ballet Collective LA
Girl – Jesse Lee Thorne / Poets In Motion
Alone 2020 – Louise Reichlin / LA Choreographers and Dancers
Drawing Memories – Jihee Lee (Korean piece)

Weekend 4: October 23, 24, & 25
All programs begins at noon each day.

Friday, Oct 23 – Fringe night

Fuse Dance Co, inartwebreathe, leah hartley and drew of the drew, Authentic:Grooves, The PGK DANCE Project, PSYCHOPOMP DANCE THEATER, cyan cian, Visionary Dance Theatre Tashara Gavin-Moorehead, Jamie Burton Dance Collective, Retro Vibe, Ruby Karen, Errant Movement, Seónagh Dances

Satuday, Oct 24 – Seoul International Dance Festival in Tank

Yoon Sumi, Kim Youngmi, Kim Hyunsun, Kim Ok, Yoo Gawoon, Lee Jihee, Kim Jubin, www.ingdar.kr, www.KKCla.org

Sunday, Oct 25 – Festival Highlight

Versa-Style Dance Company, Madison Hicks, FUSE Dance Company, Derion Loman, X2DANCECOLLECTIVE, Mixed eMotion Theatrix, LA Contemporary Dance Company, Pony Box Dance Theatre, Jana Taylor + Dancers, Charlotte Katherine & Co, Francesca Jandasek, Peter Cheng & Co, Neosutras, BrockusRED, Robin Bisio Films., Seoul International Dance Festival in Tank- Ju Bin Kim

This event is produced in collaboration with Deborah Brockus.

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