A group of smiling young performers in matching t-shirts gather on stage, radiating excitement and camaraderie during a dress rehearsal or event.

Dance & Dialogue


Dance and Dialogue, in partnership with the Luckman Fine Arts Complex at Cal State LA, presents:

Dance and Dialogue Middle School Workshop
February 5th, 9AM – 12:20PM 

Schools are invited to bring their students virtually to our annual workshop which brings teens from all over the city of Los Angeles together to connect with each other, and celebrate their artistic expression as they dance together. The perfect way to support your students mental health!
Our Dance and Dialogue workshops are designed to provide quality instruction in both dance and evidence based tools to maintain good mental health such as dialogue, yoga, guided meditation, and other mindfulness practices to help ease stress, anxiety and depression. Students report that after experiencing our programs they feel happier and hopeful. The impact is felt even when done virtually students love making connections with others.Teachers are invited to register your students to attend this virtual field trip workshop.
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! To register: contact@danceanddialogue.com.

Your donations are enthusiastically accepted and help make this series possible. To donate, please click here and scroll to “Luckman Fine Arts Complex” in the designation field.

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