A close-up black and white photo of a jazz musician passionately playing the trumpet.


Tribute to JJ Johnson


The LJO will perform its homage to J.J. Johnson, one of the leading jazz musicians of the post-swing era. Regarded as one of the first trombonists to embrace bebop music, J.J. Johnson was a key player and innovator in this definitive style. Collaborating with jazz greats including Dizzy and Miles, Johnson blazed a path for himself in the bebop movement doing for the trombone what Charlie Parker did for the saxophone.

The Luckman will host an open rehearsal and two jazz workshops with the Luckman Jazz Orchestra on March 10, 2012 starting at 5pm. Participants will have the opportunity to observe a rehearsal of the Luckman Jazz Orchestra musicians, and a master class. For more information please call 323-343-6616.

Media Partner: 88.1 KJAZZ

$25 – $35

PURCHASE: by calling the Luckman Box Office at 323-343-6600 or via Ticketmaster.

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